

One Show

7 Gold, 4 Silver, 1 Bronze


4 Gold 2 Silver 1 Bronze


2 Graphite, 1 Wood


2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 Merits


1 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze


3 Copywriting


Best Copywriting Winner, Integrated Campaign Honeree



Freelance, New York

2019 - Present

FIG, R/GA, Johannes Leonardo, Maximum Effort, 72 & Sunny, META, TBWA Chiat, Upwork, Deutsch LA, McCann NY, Special Group, Tombras, KIN, Swift, CUBO x Spotify, MoneyLion, and with any luck, you.

JOAN, New York

Creative Director

2018 - 2019

Flamingo, Equal AI, Larabar, Netflix, Trolli, New Business

BBH, New York

Creative Director

2016 - 2018

JBL, Seamless, PlayStation, Vaseline, Consumer Reports

SS&K,New York

Senior Copywriter

2013 - 2016

Lead copywriter on one of the year's most highly awarded campaigns for HBO. Also worked across the agency's key clients including HBO Go, HBO, The New Yorker, SiriusXM, JacksonHewitt,, Planned Parenthood, Canyon Ranch, Wells Fargo, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Hudson Rouge, New York

Senior Copywriter

2011 - 2013

First creative hire for boutique agency created to re-launch and run Lincoln. Concluded 90 year old Lincoln Brand to launch The Lincoln Motor Company. Contributed to all aspects of re-launch, including strategy, partnerships, collateral, events, social, company website, PR, digital and traditional creative communication.

Freelance, New York



Hired by Converse to write articles for their blog. Freelance writer at Co:collective. Freelance at a number of other leading NYC agencies.

McGarry Bowen, New York


2008 - 2011

Lead Creative team on entire Marriott Hotels and Resorts Brand. One of two teams who pitched and won entire Verizon Wireless Business. Won the Sharp TV business.

Anomaly, New York


2006 - 2008

First creative hire under Mike Byrne. Part of team who launched Virgin America. Part of team who pitched and won Converse. Lead creative on EOS brand launch, a personal care line created by the company who also launched Method household products. Worked across all accounts including Dasani, Nestea, Lumaé, Gold Peak Iced Tea, Enviga, Virgin America and Converse.

Brooklyn Brothers, New York

Jr. Copywriter

2005 - 2006

Creative on TV, print, outdoor and alternative concepts for The History Channel, Madison Square Garden Network and H2H network. Helped win Reuters pitch.